Function group number

Function group has those functions and groups:

  • Function + - If all the arguments are number, add them.
  • Function - - If there are two numeric arguments, substract the second argument from the first one if both are number.
  • Function * - If all the arguments are number, multiply them.
  • Function / - Divide the firs argument by the second argument. If the second argument is 0 will return nothing
  • Function % - Find the reminder of the division of the firs argument by the second argument. If the second argument is 0 will return nothing
  • Function abs - If the argument is numeric, return it's absolute value.
  • Function round - If the argument is numeric, return it's rounded.
  • Function ceil - If the argument is numeric, return it's ceiling.
  • Function floor - If the argument is numeric, return it's floor.

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