all function:

Check if all the items in a list are true. Will return false if the list is empty .


  • running: (all [1, 5, false, 1.1]) will give: false

  • running: (all [true, true, 1, true, true]) will give: false

  • running: (all (map (range 4) (.= 2))) will give: false Because not all the numbers between 0 and 4 are 2.

  • running: (all (map (range 4) (.< 10))) will give: true Because all the numbers between 0 and 4 less than 10.

  • running: (all [true, true, false, true, true]) will give: false

  • running: (all [true, true, true, true]) will give: true

  • running: (all []) will give: false

  • running: (all {}) will return nothing